Honey’s Diaries 2020
Honey’s Diaries is a fictional tale based on a true story told by a bunny set in Portland, Oregon, USA. The book is unique because it could be the first of its kind to feature a bunny telling her tale. This book is also special because it is written by a young author “Hasini Vasudevan”. The last thing that makes it one of a kind is that the book is a story, but it also provides useful information for new (or current!) bunny owners.
Set in a simple narrative style, Honey’s Diaries – 2020 is about the first year of life of a holland lop
bunny as narrated by the bunny itself. Honey Haasini has attempted to make it easy and fun for young readers to easily understand the text and at the same time take them in an imaginative journey from the perspective of a bunny.