Hi, my name is Haasini. I was born and currently live in Portland, Oregon, USA, and I’m in my middle school. I’m an ardent reader and read all kinds of youth books. I like to express myself in words and YouTube videos to share the knowledge I’ve got through my life experiences and readings. I spent my primary years at a Montessori school in Portland, which gave me the confidence to express myself freely without inhibition.
When I’m not reading books or writing or making YouTube videos, I love to make crafts such as drawings and paintings. I also love to make pastries out of ingredients I think will taste good together, and I make cookies out of different flours, such as almond flour or einkorn flour.
Another of my favorite hobby is music. I am learning and can play the classical South Indian string instrument called “Veena,” and I have also been learning and singing classical South Indian “Carnatic” vocals. Since I was four years old, I’ve been learning these, and I love to experiment with different songs and their tunes.
My favorite subjects at school and outside are math, human science, and Biology. I love to learn, watch, and listen to nature. I also love watching all kinds of domestic animals, from rabbits to horses to cows to birds. Each one delivers speech and communication differently, and it is so nice to research all of their behaviors.
I’ve been working on my first book about my bunny, Honey’s Diaries 2020. In this book, she tells you her tale by sharing her stories and her life. Honey is the best animal (other than my human companions) in my life, and she can understand me. I have been observing her behaviors so that I can talk to her. I want to understand her language further because I understand how it feels not to be understood by people.
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